Scaling Solutions for Blockchain: Layer 2 Protocols and Beyond with Hay Nakash

blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing, but on the other side, it is experiencing significant scalability challenges like slow transactions and high costs. These issues have minimized user trust and hindered the widespread adoption of this technology. To solve these issues, layer 2 solutions have emerged. These networks are built on existing blockchains, known as Layer 1. These solutions enhance scalability, efficiency, and affordability. The layer 2 protocol processes off-chain transactions and then sends them to the main blockchain. As a cryptocurrency expert and researcher, I am exploring this article to help you understand the basics of layer 2 protocol and its role in enhancing blockchain scalability. 

Basics of Blockchain Scalability 

Since its inception, Blockchain technology has made significant advancements.. Despite its progress toward mainstream adoption, this evolving technology is plagued by numerous issues. Blockchain is struggling to maintain trust minimization for users who require high speed and cost compared to traditional computing systems. These scaling limitations cause users to doubt their high transactions. Layer 2 blockchain solutions have been developed to address these issues, with several being launched on existing networks. 

Properties of Blockchain Scaling

To understand blockchain scalability, one needs to know the three key properties of blockchain scaling: execution, storage, and consensus.

1. Blockchain Execution:

This property focuses on the calculations required to process transactions and modify the blockchain’s state. It involves validating transactions, executing on-chain logic, and updating the ledger. Execution scalability is often measured in transactions per second (TPS), but it refers to the required computations. 

2. Blockchain Storage

This property deals with the storage needs of full nodes that maintain a copy of the blockchain system. There are two main types of storage: Historical data, which includes all past transactions and block data, and global state, which represents the current state of smart contracts and account balances. As the amount of data grows, it becomes more challenging for nodes to sync and validate transactions. The main issue in scaling storage is handling increasing data without overwhelming node storage requirements.

3. Blockchain Consensus

This property focuses on how nodes in a decentralized network agree on the current state of the blockchain. It aims to reach an agreement in the presence of malicious actors and ensure the transactions’ security. Efficient mechanisms are crucial for maintaining trust in the blockchain network. The key challenge here is to achieve a faster, cheaper, and more trustworthy agreement without sacrificing reliability. A layer 2 solution solves this challenge. Let’s move on to it:

Understanding Layer 2 Blockchain Solutions 

These are small networks developed to help increase the blockchain scalability on the main network, Layer 1.  These sub-networks are developed upon existing blockchains that serve as the basics of current Web3 technology. Layer 2 solutions are just like architects who labor to enhance the functions of Layer 1. Layer 2 blockchain solutions process and upload the transactions off-chain to the main chain. This ultimately leads to speedy transactions. These enable greater transaction speed without any threat to security. 

Challenges of Blockchain Scalability

Understanding blockchain’s challenges is necessary before evaluating Layer 2 solutions to improve blockchain scalability. Here are some challenges that blockchain scalability faces:

  • Transaction Throughput: Layer 1 blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have difficulty processing many transactions quickly, causing delays when many people use the network simultaneously. 
  • Network Congestion: When a blockchain community is crowded with too many transactions, the prices for every transaction can increase, making the community impractical for small transactions. 
  • Latency: Slow transaction confirmation instances may be a problem for packages that require brief responses, like gaming or decentralized finance (DeFi), wherein delays can affect the person revealing.
  • Scalability Trilemma: The scalability trilemma states that enhancing a blockchain’s ability to handle extra transactions, preserve decentralization, and ensure security is tough. Making one thing better regularly involves sacrificing the others.

Deep Insight into Layer 2 Solution

Before understanding the layer 2 blockchain solution’s role in blockchain scalability, I will guide you completely about layer 2, its elements, and types. 

Layer 2 Protocol Elements 

Smart Contracts: These are like self-executing contracts that run on special networks. They can make sure rules are followed and verify transactions without needing all data to be on the main blockchain.

Validators/Relayers: People who check off-chain transactions before putting them on the blockchain.

Fraud Proofs: Fraud proofs are ways for the network to question whether transactions are valid, especially those happening off the blockchain, to prevent bad actors from causing issues.

Interoperability: These networks can work together nicely across different blockchains, making it easy for users to connect to a large digital world.

Commit Chains: Keep a copy of the layer-2 network on the main blockchain to ensure data security and traceability if needed.

Types of Layer 2 Protocol

Rollups: rollup solutions like Optimistic Rollup and ZK-Rollup. These, in combination, perform more than one transaction off the main blockchain. This procedure significantly increases transaction throughput and reduces costs.

State Channels: State channels permit contributors to engage off the main blockchain, enabling them to carry out several transactions unrelated to the main blockchain. 

Sidechains: Sidechains are separate blockchains that can be linked to the principle Blockchain. They help facilitate faster and more value-effective transactions. Projects like Polygon and Binance Smart Chain use side chains to improve scalability.

Plasma: Plasma frameworks are resources for improving scalable decentralized programs (dApps) by gathering transactions off the main blockchain and periodically connecting them to the main blockchain.

Enhances Blockchain Scalability 

In simple words, layer-2 networks help make layer-1 blockchains extra scalable when they face congestion and better transaction prices. These networks use specific methods to make transactions faster and more efficient. Their main aim is to make blockchain generation more accessible to anyone by reducing transaction fees and speeding up block affirmation times. 

Additionally, the layer-2 network’s awareness of enhancing the user experience through the international blockchain by way of providing interfaces similar to traditional web structures. The goal of layer-2 solutions is to make the usage of blockchain packages as approachable as every other normal platform.

Layer 2- Protocol Working Criteria 

Layer-2 scaling solutions are technologies that increase the processing capacity of layer-1 blockchains through diverse techniques. These solutions maintain all the functionalities of the underlying layer-1 network while operating at its pinnacle. Additionally, they have their own local cryptocurrencies that customers can use to pay for transactions. 

One commonplace method used by layer-2 solutions is off-chain processing, in which transactions are performed outside the main blockchain community. NFT-based loyalty platforms offer advanced protection, scalability, and user control by incorporating blockchain systems. Many international brands have already incorporated the Web3 network into their loyalty programs.

Layer-2 solutions use secondary protocols and extra programs built on layer-1 blockchains. These protocols aim to improve transaction speed and reduce costs. They utilize smart contracts that ensure the safety and reliability of the principal community. Throughout the process, the layer-1 network remains unaffected.

Advantages of the Layer-2 protocol

Enhanced Transaction Speed

The layer-2 protocol notably improves transaction speed by coping with transactions of the primary blockchain, similar to using a specific checkout line at a grocery store for quicker and more green transactions.

Cheap Transaction Fees 

Off-chain transactions on Layer-2 solutions decrease costs because they do not impact the main network. This corresponds to sending a text message instead of traditional mail—quicker and cheaper!

Application Scalability

Layer-2 solutions enhance scalability by promoting extra transactions to be processed. These are shifted off the main chain, expanding the blockchain’s capabilities from a 2-lane highway to an 8-lane.


The layer-2 protocol enables transactions throughout Layer-1 blockchains by crossing interoperability and enabling uniform, integrated blockchain surroundings.


Layer-2 solutions are adaptable and versatile. They can be designed and optimized for specific use cases without affecting the underlying layer, improving blockchain network performance. 


Layer 2 blockchain solutions greatly affect overcoming scalability challenges, which can be addressed by using blockchain technology. The layer 2 solution complements the transaction pace and decreases the fee, facilitating a more green and consumer-friendly blockchain atmosphere. Layer 2 answers play a critical role in increasing blockchain packages throughout diverse fields.


How Does the Layer 2  Scaling Solution Boost Your Venture?

If you are going to start a business based on blockchain technology, using layer-2 blockchain solutions could give you the boost you need. These networks offer many advantages to businesses, such as decreased transaction prices and customizable features to fulfill precise commercial enterprise needs. Layer-2 blockchains provide forward decentralization, safety, flexibility, and innovation opportunities.

What is the future of these networks?

In the current blockchain system, various layer-2 scaling solutions have emerged. Some of these solutions have become popular among businesses due to their flexible features and relationships with other companies. The future seems brilliant for those networks, as greater businesses are expected to establish relationships with them to increase their market reach.

What is the difference between layer 1 and layer 2 protocols? 

Layer-1 and layer-2 networks vary in their priorities and operation.Layer-1 blockchains especially work on making sure that information stays steady and unchangeable, even as layer-2 blockchains prioritize increasing scalability and transaction pace.Layer-2 networks can work along layer-1 blockchains without compromising their core functions.
