Ask Someone in Earnest NYT Crossword: Clues and Meaning

Ask Someone in Earnest NYT

Many fans of the New York Times (NYT) crossword puzzles find them to be a great challenge with their pleasing blend of simplicity and intricacy. Several have found great interest in one hint that caught their attention: “Ask Someone in Earnest.” Many crossword puzzles use this phrase, which leaves solvers wondering about its precise meaning and connotations. This article will go over the clues, interpretations, and settings in which this clue shows up so that you may approach it in your next NYT crossword problem.

Details on earnest NYT

The phrase “ask someone in earnest NYT” is often seen in the hints of New York Times crossword puzzles; knowing its meaning can greatly help solvers to identify the right solutions. To ask someone in earnest usually implies to ask something really and with great intention. It suggests a degree of weight and sincere need for a reaction or deed. This might be juxtaposed with a laid-back or offhand request to emphasize the relevance and gravity of the current situation.

Ask Someone in Earnest NYT Hints & Meanings

When you come to the clue “ask someone in earnest NYT,” you have to take puzzle context into account. Further, the hint could point to many synonyms or sentences expressing a firm demand. Typical responses can call for “plead,” “beg,” “implore,” or “beseech.” Moreover, every one of these terms has a feeling of urgency and sincerity that fits very well the concept of asking someone sincerely.

Often times, the clue could also be a component of a longer word or subject running throughout the puzzle. It could be connected, for example, to a particular event, character, or phrase, which calls for solvers to go beyond the words’ exact meaning. Further, understanding the larger background and thinking through related topics helps solvers to reduce the alternative responses and find the right solution.

Clues and Answers: Some Examples

Let’s consider a few instances when “ask someone in earnest NYT” may show up to show the applicability of this clue:

“To ask someone in earnest for help,” says the clue.

Comment: “Plead”.

“Implore someone sincerely,” the clue says.

Respond with “Beseech”.

Clue: “Request sincerely.”

response: ” Beg”.

In every one of these instances, the responses demonstrate the fundamental meaning of the phrase “ask someone in earnest NYT,” which is to make an honest and urgent request.

Advice on Solving the Clue

Given the hint “ask someone in earnest NYT,” here are some ideas to guide you toward the right response:

  • Context is important: Think on the puzzle’s general topic and surrounding hints. The solution can have to do with other crossword terms or ideas.
  • Think simultaneously: consider many equivalents for sincere demands. Common responses appropriate for the clue include words like “plead,” “beg,” and “implore.”
  • Word Count: Consider the puzzle’s needed length of the response. Moreover, this will help you cut out options and concentrate on phrases appropriate for the available areas.
  • Intersecting letters: Using the intersecting letters from earlier solved clues will help you to reduce your choices. This may validate the right response and provide helpful recommendations.
  • Stay Current: NYT crossword puzzles often include modern phrases and allusions. Further, one may really benefit from keeping current with popular culture and common language.


In crossword puzzles, the clue “ask someone in earnest NYT” is a shining illustration of how language and context entwine. Understanding the subtleties of this sentence and using strategic thinking can help solvers to decipher the right solutions and improve their ability to solve puzzles. Whether your level of experience with crossword puzzles is new or seasoned, learning such hints increases the delight and satisfaction of finishing a difficult NYT crossword problem.


Q: What is “ask someone in earnest NYT”?

A: It’s a real, urgent request, usually for which one needs responses like “plead,” “beg,” or “implore.”

Q: How may I go through the “ask someone in earnest NYT” clue?

A: Think about synonyms, consider the puzzle’s setting, and utilize intersecting letters from previous clues to reduce your choices.

Q: Does the hint “ask someone in earnest NYT” have any often occurring responses?

A: Indeed, popular responses include phrases like “plead,” “beg,” and “beseech,” all of which really and urgently express demand.

Q: Why should solving crossword puzzles consider context?

A: Context facilitates the identification of the topic and related ideas within the problem, therefore guiding the search for the right answers.

Q: In what frequency do puzzles have the clue “ask someone in earnest NYT”?

A: Though the frequency varies, its interesting character and depth of meaning make it a common clue in NYT crossword puzzles.