Head Lock NYT and Its Possible Answers: Understand the Crossword Clue

Head Lock NYT
Image source pixabay

Crossword clues are often complicated and ambiguous. You have to work with your full brain to find out the right answer. But that’s why these puzzle games are so interesting. They allow us to think critically and out of the box. At first glance, you might feel that solving crossword puzzles is easy, but you will face challenges while finding out the correct answers. Critical clues like “Head Lock NYT” will give you a hard time finding the answers. If you are stuck at a clue like “Head Lock NYT” and can’t find the correct word, you are at the right place. Here you are going to find out the possible answers to this clue and also some important insights regarding solving crossword puzzles.

Breaking Down the Clue “Head Lock NYT”

In order to find out the answers to the clue “Head Lock NYT”, let’s break down the clue first. As I have mentioned previously, clues can often be ambiguous. They can also include puns or double meanings. Let’s see if this clue includes all these. The phrase “head-lock” can have different meanings. In the field of wrestling “Head Lock” is the way of strongly holding an opponent with an arm around his head so that they can not move. In other words “Head Lock” is a kind of stronghold that you use to immobile your opponent, be it in wrestling or any other fight. That is one meaning of the clue “Head Lock NYT”. However, this phrase can also mean the locks of your head or hair. It is the strand of hair that comes directly from the middle of your head. So, considering the different meanings of the phrase, there can be different answers to the clue Head Lock NYT”.

Guessing the Possible Answers

Now that we are aware of the different meanings of the clue, we need to identify the possible answers. Let’s try to find answers considering both the meanings we discussed previously. For the first meaning, which is to hold your opponent with an arm around their head, check out the answers and their meanings.

  • Clinch: The word “clinch” means to hold something firmly or tightly to prevent it from escaping. This meaning is somewhat closer to the first meaning of the clue “Head Lock NYT”. So, if you have a 6-letter gap in your puzzle grid you can try out this word.
  • Clamp: The meaning of this word is also similar to that of “clinch”. “Clamp” is to hold something in place to stop it from moving. In case of a 5-letter gap on your puzzle grid, you can try out this one.
  • Grip: This also means firmly holding something to restrain it from moving. This is similar to the meaning of “Head Lock” with a slight difference in the situation. You can try out this word in case you have a 4-letter gap in the puzzle grid.
  • Throttle: Typically, throttle means to strongly hold people by their throats to restrict their movements. This is also a type of stronghold. However, a headlock is holding someone by their head. However, you can try this word in case there is an 8-letter gap as the meaning is somewhat similar.   

Now let’s check out some words that mean a strand of hair, another meaning of the clue “Head Lock NYT”.

  • Locks: Locks are usually sections of hair, specifically thick and curly portions. This is similar to the meaning of the “Head Lock NYT” crossword clue. In case you have a 5-letter gap in your puzzle grid, you can try out this word.
  • Strand: Strand usually refers to the thin length of long hair. These are also similar to locks, only thinner sections. You can try this word if you have a 6-letter gap in the puzzle grid.
  • Tress: Tress is another synonym of locks but in a poetic way. Tress also refers to the strands of beautiful and flowy hair. This word is used while admiring someone’s hair. If you have a 5-letter gap in your puzzle grid with the clue “Head Lock NYT”, this can be the correct answer as well.

Benefits of Solving Crossword Puzzles

Solving crossword puzzles has several benefits, especially for your brain and mind. Firstly, solving crossword puzzles on a daily basis improves your critical thinking and concentration power. It clears your mind working as a stress buster. It also enhances your vocabulary which is essential for your academic and professional success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the answer to the crossword clue “Head Lock NYT”

There are several possible answers based on the letter criteria. These include Clinch, Grip, Throttle, Lock, Tress and Strand.

What does the clue “Head Lock NYT” mean?

The phrase can mean locking your arm around someone’s head so they can not move. It also can mean a strand of hair.