Strong Inclination NYT Crossword: Clue And Meaning 

Strong Inclination NYT
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Many people enjoy solving crossword puzzles because they provide a tough but enjoyable brain workout. In particular, the NYT crossword is well known for its witty clues and challenging wordplay. One such hint, “strong inclination,” frequently stumps searchers. The crossword clue “strong inclination” is a prime example of ambiguity. Although a leaning or tendency is referred to as an “inclination” in crossword terms, the phrase can have multiple connotations in a crossword context. Let’s investigate the possible meaning of this clue and several potential solutions and approaches to solving it. Here are some potential outcomes of crossword Strong Inclination NYT:

Meaning in Text: 

The hint may refer to a real slope or inclination, as in the case of physical constructions or topography.

Figurative Meaning: 

It may also mean that there is a “strong inclination” or predilection toward something, suggesting an emotional or psychological inclination.

Wordplay and Synonyms: 

Wordplay and synonyms are frequently used in crossword clues. Therefore, the term “strong inclination” may allude to Strong Inclination NYT, which connotes desire, predilection, or urge.

Approaches to Solving Strong Inclination NYT Crossword:

Here are several tactics to use when you come upon the “strong inclination” clue:

  1. Examine the Crossword Grid: Note how many letters are required to solve the puzzle and whether any words cross over to offer hints.
  1. Think About the Theme: New York Times crosswords frequently feature an idea that can direct you toward the right solution. If there is a theme, identify it and see if it connects to the clue.
  1. Consider synonyms: List all the synonyms that suit the letter count for “inclination” and “strong.”
  1. Employ Crossword Resources:

If you’re stuck, crossword dictionaries and internet solvers can be useful resources. To keep the task fresh, use them sparingly.

  1. Look for Wordplay or Puns: One of the NYT crossword’s specialties is puns. Think about whether the hint might be a play using words.

Potential Clues Of The Crossword Strong Inclination NYT


The phrase “urgent” or “pressing” is connected to the word “urge.” An urge is a “Strong Inclination” that almost feels like a compulsion. An example of an urge would be the need to scream out of frustration. You are expressing your strong opinions when you push someone to take action. As the word “Urge” means, The crossword puzzle Strong Inclination NYT resembles it a lot. For instance, “feeling an intense urge to watch the match”, here intense urge indicates “Strong Inclination”. 


A typical response, “bias” refers to a predilection or tendency in one direction. Bias is defined as a tendency or prejudice, especially when perceived as unjust, towards or against a certain individual or group. The crossword puzzle Strong Inclination NYT refers to a tendency to act in a certain way strongly which can be out of bias as well. For example, “evidence of bias” or “judgment out of bias” may include “Strong Inclination” for something. 


This term describes an innate aptitude or propensity for a certain pursuit.a word that can refer to a strong propensity to act in a certain way or a natural talent or knack at something. You may have a penchant for crafting wood, creating poetry, or baking pastries, for instance. “Bent” can also refer to a person’s physical characteristics or mannerisms. Saying “She seems to be bent towards evil” or “The branch was bent by strong storms” are a couple of examples to make you understand the Strong Inclination NYT crossword metaphorical meaning. “Bent” can also signify a Strong inclination when used as an adjective. You may say “bent on going” as an example. 


Although the word “tilt” is frequently used literally, it can also signify an impulse to cause anything to display a “Strong Inclination”. It also means to incline, tend, or gravitate toward a viewpoint, a plan of action, or a certain side of a dispute. Strong Inclination NYT Crossword can also be described as “Tilt”.


 “Leaning” is a term that describes a propensity or desire that closely matches the clue “Strong Inclination”. For instance, leaning away from the parallel and leaning against something for stability. 

Wrap Up

Analyzing Strong Inclination NYT Crossword reveals the cultural and emotional connections this concept fosters in addition to its linguistic complexity. One of the best illustrations of the nuanced intricacy present in NYT crossword puzzles is the clue “strong inclination.” Solvers can approach this hint with confidence if they plan strategically, look into possible solutions, and take the context into account. Completing a difficult crossword puzzle is more enjoyable and satisfying when you comprehend the subtleties of the clues, regardless of your experience level with the game. Cheers to solving!


The NYT Mini Crossword Puzzle: What Is It?

The New York Times Mini Crossword is a shortened version of the standard New York Times crossword puzzle. Ever since it was first published as a daily online puzzle in 2014, crossword solvers looking for a quick and enjoyable puzzle have come to love it.

What Does The Word Strong Inclination Means?

A strong inclination can be defined as a strong liking, tendency, or emotional state that motivates an action. A tendency or inclination, particularly of the will or mind

Something that one tends toward or the quality of being inclined or the act of being inclined. It can also be summed up as a propensity toward a particular state or behavior or variation, or the degree of divergence, from a typical course or location. 

What is Strong Inclination In NYT?

An inclined or tendency, especially of the mind or will something that one leans toward, the state of leaning, or the leaning itself, like an Urge. Here Urge can be the most suitable answer for Strong Inclination NYT crossword. 

Why Should Everyone Solve Crossword Puzzles?

Because of these characteristics, crossword puzzles activate a significant portion of your cortex and foster the formation of new neural connections. Your hippocampal and cortical regions will become stronger as a result of the hippocampal memory for those new connections.