Unkind Intolerant Crossword: Clues, Answers & Similar Crosswords

Unkind Intolerant Crossword
Image Source: Pixabay

For individuals who appreciate a mental challenge, crossword puzzles have long been a beloved pastime as they combine logic with linguistic abilities to reveal the hidden meaning of every clue. Among the many kinds of crossword clues available to puzzle aficionados, the Unkind Intolerant Crossword is unique in its very challenging mix of mystery and complexity. Moreover, these hints challenge solvers to consider closely the connotations of phrases implying harshness, disrespect, or lack of tolerance. Finding the right answers is simply one difficulty; another is understanding the frequently delicate or sophisticated language of the hints themselves.

Solvers who like the mental challenge these kinds of clues provide have come to find great appeal in the Unkind Intolerant Crossword. Knowing how to approach these hints can help you greatly improve your solving experience whether your level of crossword enjoyment is new or seasoned. We will discuss the nature of “Unkind Intolerant Crossword” puzzles, investigate their probable solutions, and provide advice on how to approach them successfully in this post.

Unkind Intolerant Crossword Clues

Regarding Unkind Intolerant puzzles, solvers can find words or phrases implying a lack of compassion or a strict rejection to accept others’ points of view or conduct. These hints may be especially challenging as they often utilize synonyms not immediately clear or play on the multiple meanings of words. Further, these are some Intolerant Crossword clues below along with possible solutions that might meet the characteristics.

  • Clue: Cruel or harsh
    Answer: Severe
    This clue points to a word that describes something overly strict or harsh in nature, often with a negative connotation.
  • Clue: Not accepting differences
    Answer: Bigoted
    This answer fits a clue that suggests a narrow-minded or prejudiced attitude towards those who are different.
  • Clue: Disdainful or condescending
    Answer: Scornful
    A clue like this one requires the solver to think of a word that describes an attitude of superiority and contempt.
  • Clue: Harsh and unforgiving
    Answer: Relentless
    This answer reflects an attitude that is merciless or unyielding, often used in the context of someone who does not show compassion.
  • Clue: Rigid in beliefs
    Answer: Dogmatic
    Here, the clue is looking for a word that describes a person who holds onto their beliefs in a strict and inflexible manner.

The challenge with these clues lies in their ability to mislead or confuse the solver by using words with multiple meanings or by phrasing the clue in an unexpected way. For example, a word like “severe” can mean strict or harsh, but it might not immediately come to mind when thinking about unkindness. Similarly, “dogmatic” might be associated with strong beliefs rather than intolerance, making it a more challenging answer to uncover.

Synonyms and Meanings of “Intolerant”

Understanding the synonyms and meanings of the word “intolerant” is crucial when solving Intolerant Crossword clues, as many of the answers will be related to this concept. Here’s a brief overview of some common synonyms and their meanings:

  • Bigoted: Displaying an unreasonable attachment to a belief, particularly one that is prejudiced against others.
  • Prejudiced: Holding preconceived opinions that are not based on reason or actual experience.
  • Narrow-minded: Unwilling to accept or consider different ideas, opinions, or behaviors.
  • Dogmatic: Insisting on principles as undeniably true, without considering others’ views or evidence to the contrary.
  • Fanatical: Excessively devoted to a cause or belief, often to the point of intolerance towards others.
  • Rigid: Inflexible in beliefs or behavior, unwilling to change or adapt.
  • Intransigent: Refusing to change one’s views or to agree about something.
  • Scornful: Feeling or expressing contempt or derision towards others.
  • Relentless: Unyielding in severity or strictness, often to the point of cruelty.

Every one of these terms catches a different aspect of intolerance—from an unyielding posture to an inflexible attitude to a preconceived notion. Knowing these synonyms can assist you to reduce the available solutions and make the solving process more under control when you come across Unkind Intolerant Crossword puzzles.

Tips for Solving Unkind Intolerant Crossword

These crossword clues are difficult, hence using certain techniques may help you answer them:

  1. Examine the clue word closely. Search for any signals indicating a certain attitude or conduct connected with intolerance or cruelty.
  2. Consider likely synonyms for the terms in the clue. The response may be a term that isn’t instantly clear but more broadly matches the criteria.
  3. To help complete the blanks, choose any letter from a crossing word. This may provide insightful suggestions, particularly in cases with exceptionally tough clues.
  4. Many crossword puzzles use wordplay or puns. Think about if the hint could be utilizing a term in a metaphorical or surprising manner.
  5. These hints are meant to be difficult, hence if you don’t solve them right away you shouldn’t feel demoralized. Take your time, review the clue later, and consider many points of view.

End Note

Within the realm of crossword puzzles, the Intolerant Crossword is an interesting genre providing a special fusion of difficulty and imagination. Improving your abilities and familiarising yourself with the many synonyms and definitions of intolerance will help you approach these hints with more confidence and fun. Whether your goals are to increase your mental acuity or solve for fun, the gratification of cracking these challenging hints is definitely worth the work.


Q: What is an “Unkind Intolerant Crossword”?
A: An “Unkind Intolerant Crossword” refers to a crossword that suggests a lack of kindness or tolerance, often requiring solvers to think critically about words associated with harshness, prejudice, or inflexibility.

Q: How can I improve my ability to solve “Unkind Intolerant Crossword” clues?
A: To improve, focus on expanding your vocabulary, especially with synonyms related to intolerance and unkindness. Practice regularly and try to analyze each clue’s wording carefully.

Q: What are some common answers for “Unkind Intolerant Crossword” clues?
A: Common answers include words like “severe,” “bigoted,” “dogmatic,” and “relentless,” all of which describe attitudes or behaviors that lack tolerance or kindness.

Q: Why are “Unkind Intolerant Crossword” clues particularly challenging?
A: These clues are challenging because they often involve synonyms that are not immediately obvious, and they can play on multiple meanings or nuanced interpretations of words.